16 October 2005

Five Facts

Five Facts is a ripoff the BBC's Ten Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Week, which incidentally has started naming some of the sources it culls information from. It's a pity because I believe public institutions should always retain a certain patina of mystery and grandeur.

Anyway, the 5 Facts for this week are:

  1. Fashion. The niggly bit of a belt buckle which fastens it to the belt strap is known as the buckle-chape. (Jenny Uglow, The Lunar Men, pg. 62)

  2. Words. The "O" in Irish names (e.g. "O'Flaherty") is an anglicised version of the prefix "ua-" which means "grandson of." (Lynne Truss, Eats, Shoots and Leaves)

  3. Geography. The world's only Hindu kingdom is Nepal.

  4. Music. The ACS school anthem is based on the tune to "The Maple Leaf Forever", the unofficial Canadian national anthem.

  5. Biology. The piercing proboscis of a mosquito is actually made up of five different mouthparts fused together.

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