27 March 2006

Cheesy Pick-up Lines

Don't ask why, but here are some really bad ones!

  • "Your name must be Sherry... 'cause you're so intoxicating!"

  • (Sprinkle water on the lady) "I'm sorry, but you're just too hot."

  • "Do you mind?" (Woman: "Huh?") "You are distracting me with your beauty!"

  • "I hope you brought crutches because I've gone all weak on seeing you."

  • "Do you sell insurance?" (Woman: "No...") "Well I should've bought some because I'm dying to know you."

  • "Look out the window at the sky!" (Woman: "Well yeah?") "Don't you see something missing? Your starry eyes...."

1 comment:

gayle said...

people always post bad pick-up lines, but never good ones. do they exist, and would you use them? =p